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District 9

District 9 Democratic Party Leadership

Amanda McConnell - District Chair


Effective 5/29/24 Jackie Groves is now Canyon County State Committeewoman and can be reached at Amanda McConnell is the new District 9 Democratic Legislative Chair and will be responding to emails directed to the District 9 email address.


District 9 Monthly Meeting

To Volunteer Contact our District Chair at

Find your precinct HERE.


Current Legislators:

Sen. Abby  Lee (R)                    Rep. Jacyn  Gallagher (R)                Rep. Judy  Boyle (R)


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District 10

District 10 includes all of Star in Western Ada County and the whole and parts of Middleton, Star and Nampa in Canyon County.


District 10 Democratic Party Leadership

Greta Dunlap - District Chair

Bob Solomon - Vice-Chair

Rhonda Aman - Secretary

Ken Ough - Treasurer


District 10 Monthly Meeting
This standing meeting is held the third Thursday of each month currently through Zoom. We meet from 6-7 PM. For information on how to join or to be added on our invite list, please email

          District 10 Idaho Democrats



Find your precinct HERE.

To Volunteer
Contact our District Chair at


Current legislators:

Sen. Tammy  Nichols (R)                Rep. Jacyn  Gallagher (R)                Rep. Judy  Boyle (R)

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District 11

District 11 encompasses most of the City of Caldwell in Canyon County. We are a group of people working to keep Caldwell and the State of Idaho a great place to live, work and raise a family.

Our mission is “To recruit, train, support and elect 3 Democrats from District 11 to the Idaho State Legislature every 2 years.”

Contact information:

           Caldwell Democrats | Facebook


District 11 Democratic Party Leadership


Penny Neely - District Chair
Kathleen Gomez - Secretary
Trish Robertson – Treasurer


District 11 Monthly Meeting

We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at the Caldwell Library, Idaho Room, 1010 Dearborn St, Caldwell, ID at 7 pm.


To Volunteer Contact our District Chair at

Find your precinct HERE.
Volunteers welcome! Donations appreciated!


Current legislators:

Sen. Chris  T.  Trakel (R)                 Rep. Julie  Yamamoto (R)                   Rep. Christopher  Allgood (R)


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District 12

District 12 includes much of Nampa..


District 12 Democratic Party Leadership

Jane Zornik District Chair

TBA Vice Chair

Carol Sisco-Fletcher - Treasurer

TBA - Secretary


District 12 Monthly Meeting
We meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month at the Nampa Public Library,  215 12th Ave S, Nampa at 6:30 pm.



          District 12 Democrats

To Volunteer
Contact our District Chair at


Find your precinct HERE.


Current legislators:

Sen. Ben Adams (R)                       Rep. Jeff  J.  Cornilles (R)                    Rep. Jaron  Crane (R)     

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District 13

District 13 includes much of Nampa..


District 13 Democratic Party Leadership

Sarah Butler - District Chair



District 13 Monthly Meeting
We meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month at the Nampa Public Library, Room 203, 215 12th Ave S, Nampa at 7 pm.



          District 13 Democrats


To Volunteer
Contact our District Chair at​.


Find your precinct HERE.


Current legislators:

Sen. Brian  Lenney (R)                        Rep. Brent  J.  Crane (R)                 Rep. Kenny  Wroten (R)                 

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District 23

District 23 includes South Canyon County, including Melba, South Ada County, including Kuna, and Owyhee County.


District 23 Democratic Party Leadership

TBA - District Chair


District 23 Monthly Meeting


To Volunteer

Contact our Canyon County Democrats at


Find your precinct HERE.


Current legislators:

Sen. Todd  M.  Lakey (R)                    Rep. Melissa  Durrant (R)                  Rep. Tina  Lambert (R)       

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